Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Im not about no foolishness. Im about intergrity. I listen to all perspectives and opinions. I respect all view points and am open minded. My opinions may change, because my opinions are educated. I stay in them books, ya'll. I wanted to do a blog froma a Hip Hop perspective. Hip Hop is not just a music, it's a culture. Usually when you come to a hip hop blog, it's about gossip in the music world. There will be no gossip here. No agenda's, no grudges. Just Hip Hops perspective. Us against the world. It's perspective on politics, sports, literature, music and of course this society in which we live. So with that being said, please enjoy.

About me.....In a nutshell, call me G.C. Grew up all over Los Angeles, economically challenged. Dad was a drug dealer on his downfall when I was born. Went to jail, wasn't around. Mom was a hustler herself, but still we were broke. Moved to E. 82nd Street, Los Angeles, California 90001 when I was 10. It was bad then, it's bad now. Big culture shock. Learned that the word nigga' was no big deal. Adapted quickly, and loved it.

Like everyone else I had demons in my life, which I had to destroy. You'll become familiar with these demons as we grow together. I always valued education. My mother put me in the best schools, even if it meant using a friends address. I was born a Muslim and feared nothing but God. I've never drank or smoked. Just a personal choice. Im able to have a friendly chat with an old pal from Brentwood, or sit outside on my nigga's porch talking shit about whateva'. I prefer the latter.
I will try and update my blog as frequently as possible, and also try to have good music that hip hop folks can enjoy. Feel free to email me about anything. I encourage it. Hope you enjoy, and maybe it can become something bigger than a blog.


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