Tuesday, August 7, 2007

JJ and Rev. ASS Fuck Jesse Jackson and punk ass Al Sharpton. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWhat have they ever done for black people. It seems that they only represent black folk with high profile cases, which will get them attention. What are the chances of the Rainbow coalition coming through and doing an investigation when blacks never get promoted at local business. Why doesn’t the rainbow coalition go to Bank Of America and say “Where the nigga’s at, and how come we can’t get any loans?” I bet you JJ and Al wouldn't fuck with Home Depot or Wal-Mart. They probably pay those muthafuckas to turn a blind eye to them. Hip Hop music, where they say “nigga” quite frequently, does more for black folk than JJ.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket It’s hard to be racistwhen you got a Snoop Dogg poster in your room. When you love 50 cent’s. When you spend seventy bucks to sit up front at a Mos Def and Talib Kweli concert. Eminem does more for black people than the Reverends. Shit he took 50 off the street, paid for Proof’s funeral and spearheaded D12. You know got damn well D12 wouldn’t have sold, no million records without Em. The only favor Al Sharpton did for black folks is when he cut off his terrible ass perm. How you gonna be pro black with a perm.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Who are you? James Brown? Didn’t you use to run with James Brown. This nigga Al has a stylist. Jesse Jackson was THERE for the whole Martin Luther The Kang, movement he was there when King got shot. However he did nothing when Rodney King got served, he did nothing when black folks were tearing gassed and placed under marshal law during the riots. He has done nothing for the victims of Katrina. All he does is give speeches. We don't need any speech. In the words of Krayzie Bone "...Beg Your Pardon to Martin baby we aint marchin' we shootin." Besides JJ aint that good of an orator anyway. With his imaginary vocabulary. You have to be weary of a man who can voice the problems but not the solutions. That’s a shit starter. Reverend Al falls in the same category as Dr.Cosby.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Someone who hates the youth. Someone who ignores the absence of parenting skills and blames the black generations ills on wearing their pants low, or saying the word nigger without the pronunciation the er. Jay-Z comes to mind in a track produced by whom? Eminem. “Do you fools listen to the music/or just skim through it?” Also I don’t think Al like Muslims that much. He seems like his all about Christianity. Reverend Al's most infamous fuck up....ok we'll not most infamous but most recent is when he attacked the Boondocks. Man that shit had me hot. Boondocks is one of the best things to come on T.V. for our people, (hip hop culture), since…shit…ever. Any of us who watch the boondocks understand that it’s a show for intelligent black people. Usually dealing with the problems we're face as a people. One of the most powerful episodes was the "Return Of The King" in which Martin Luther King did say the “N” word. Al attacked Aaron McGruder for that. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHe said McGruder was being disrespectful toan icon for African American’s. Al you sound dumb. You obviously have never watched the Boondocks. Then there’s this “N” word situation. What about Don Imus JJ? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHe said nappy headed hoes. Michael Richard’sPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket said nigga so many times I thought he was Richard Pryor.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Michael Richard’s should’ve got his ass beat. Not counseled. Not hugged. Beaten. Like Charlie and Eddie did Rick James for stomping on their couch.Whooped!!! But what did you do Jesse? You blamed hip hop. Now Jesse, let me be real with you. I know that there are some stupid people in hip hop. Webbie, Lil Boosie, Master P had me worried for a while, but they’re not to blame. The blame is on Michael Richard’s for calling some black men in the audience“niggers” and trying to act like it never happened.Still selling Seinfeld DVD’s. You didn’t picket against that JJ. Al, if you run for president one more time, without getting your shit together, I’m gonna pull your black card. If you run for president now, with Barrack Obama in the race. You mind as well be partners with RudolphGiuliani. Stick with your radio show, Al. Jesse go somewhere and sit down. Take care of that baby you had, Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketand stay off Bill Cosby’s pudding pop.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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