Sunday, August 12, 2007


Just two years ago Puffy...excuse me, Diddy,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket informed us that if we didn't vote than he, or somebody he knew, or had pass dealings with, would kill us....I think...we'll we'd die!!! I really felt strong about voting then. I felt as if hip hop culture had suddenly made it cool to vote. As if voting was like, the new shit to do. Hip hop heads came out in the thousands, to vote for no other than Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJon, my wife makes Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHeinz ketchup so I'm rich as hell Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketand did I mention I got shot during Vietnam, Kerry. Millions voted for Kerry, (who sort of looks like Frankenstien). Not so much because he was a good president but because he wasn’t Bush. We fucking hated Bush. We didn’t trust Bush. So even if Al Sharpton had been running, Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwe’d rather a perm than a bush. Bush won. He knew he was going to win too. A fact that is extremely scary. We forget that over 30 years ago, Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketthe Nixon administration, pulled the same stunt. They called it Watergate.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket African Americans were coming to the poll in droves. Thanks to the civil rights movement and the burgeoning growth of African Americans in the middle class economical structure. With this turn of events there was no way a bigot could become president. Members of the Nixon administration, and rumors that members of the FBI ran by J. Edgar,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket cross dressing weirdo ass, Hoover, met in the Watergate hotel to destroy votes against an administration of bigotry. By doing this these economical terrorist hoped to destroy the confidence of blacks by saying basically it doesn't matter what you do or say there's not enough of you to make a difference. Before any of this could be deeply investigated Nixon resigned and went to hell 30 years later. No one ever publicly mentioned the above actions. Bush stole the 2000 election as well; he had key people in key places, i.e., his baby brother in Florida. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketCheney owns the company that created the voting machines. Bush had things....for a lack of better term manipulated, to reflect he won an election that he simply didn't. No votes were recounted. Thousands of people complained about being considered felons, when 90% had never so much as committed a misdemeanor. Not to mention his brother is the governor of Florida.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Votes, mostly democrat votes, were thrown out, in order to make it "fair". Protest and demonstrations of the suppose African Americans public were ignored. Nobody seemed to like the president except rich white men and Ann Coulture, who has been proven to be an idiot, and maybe a transsexual. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAmerikkka, democrats, liberterians and republicans alike turned a blind eye. A lot of lip service but no change. Word to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, Where were ya‘ll at? In fact we went to a war that America didn't support and Amerikkka didn't even know about. Claims of WMD’s were never proven. A war under false pretense. That’s what we've been in for 6 years. No proof. It’s similar to someone who owes you money, and every time you ask for it, it’s one sorry ass excuse after another. We know that Amerikkka never goes to war unless there is an agenda. The agenda this time without a doubt was oil, gold, and to get Sadaam out of office,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket (after Amerikkka put him there), because Amerikkka no longer needed his services. Little information: Amerikkka finds a resource(s) in a country they believe they can bully. This is why Japan talks much shit Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketand no one says anything. Once Amerikkka feels that it can cripple or destroy, their militia, they do so. Next step is to put in place the “dictator” they see fit, to help them push their agenda. That’s diplomacy. Now while all this is happening over there, over here the economy, for lower and middle income suffered. Gas went up 300% in most areas. Unemployment and inflation hit record highs. Numerous children died for a war without reason. Shit we were even taxed for a war without reason. So now Diddy and them were pissed. Everyone was angry. Hip hop took it to the streets. Democrats took it to the streets. Hippies took it to the streets. There was undeniable proof by the tons, which proved Bush was in to this war because of money and personal vendettas. "After all this is the guy who tried to kill my daddy." Bush had spent the four years of his term ruining Amerikkka, for his personal gain. Even conservatives disapproved of his big government beliefs. As where having a big government takes more work off of the president. More money from taxes. More $1,000 hammers. The chips were stacked against Bush and what happened? He still got re elected. The most unpopular president, EVER!!!! I wouldn't go so far as to say that we shouldn't vote, but I will say that our elected officials are puppets and their strings are attached to money, not morals. If there was money in hanging niggas, even black politicians would pass a bill to make the act once again, legal. The whole process of voting is so complex and in a "code" that our own president couldn't explain it....even if he wasn't Bush. Barrack Obama Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketis a breath of fresh air. They’re going to say that he has no experience. They’re going to say he’s not qualified. They asked him to change his name. They’re going to say he’s too emotional. They said the same things about Clinton. ClintonPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ran the hell out of this country. Not because of his Rwanda, Lewinsky or Dot Com acts, but because of his charisma. He understood that when American’s are happy they spend money. People buy houses. People buy cars. People buy clothes. In turn there is new money out there. Banks have money. Communities have money. Right now rich Amerikkkans, black and white, are capitalizing off of the Bush administration. An administration that keeps you scared. Scared to spend money. Scared to lose your job. Scared to take a chance. Which in turn make these Amerikkkan business owners, dictators. Who, now, legally, can fire you for whatever they want. Who can cut jobs and state that it was necessary to do so, so that they don’t go bankrupt. If you check their profit margins, they’re bigger than under the Clinton administration. Because Clinton taxed their asses, rightfully so. So if being bankrupt was the concern, if preserving American business’s is a concern, then why not have the CEO’s COO’s VP’s and President’s Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobuckettPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketake a pay cut. Instead of a 50 million dollar profit this year, make a 40 million dollar profit. If every business with tremendous profit margins, could take 10 million bucks off of their profits there would be billions of dollars in the economy used to hire new employees. So that you wouldn’t be scared to lose your job. Money put into banks to fund loans without such high risks. Money could be given to non profit organizations to help fight diseases like cancer and HIV, (which they’ll never cure because there is too much money in treating it). Money could be invested in areas like East St. Louis., the east side of Los Angeles or the west side of Atlanta. But no one would do this because Amerikkka is in the business of oppression, until we have a voice.

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