Monday, August 6, 2007

White Baby Black Maybe

I don't think black people hate white people. I think we hate white people’s mind states. Now not all white people carry this spirit, it is just the over whelming bigotry that most white people seem to have.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI think anyone would hate someone who creates rules to their advantage, changes them at whim, and acts like nothing ever happened. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThen on the same day will punish you, to no end, if you do the same thing. We’re gonna break this shit down this evening. In this society the key to being comfortable is to have money. The more money you have the more things you can afford to do comfortably and at your leisure. Working class people are caught in a rat race of working, working some more, saving and still not being able to afford shit. Rich people are saving 10-20% out of a70,000 dollar checks weekly, working four hour days and having as many vacations as they want.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Honestly, because they own the company, which is something, we all strive to doPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket, as long as we do it correctly. White people, whom so happen to be rolling in the dough, do not give up any of THEIR money. Which, when you think of it, why should they? However it’s different when you own 98% of America.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket It’s different when you own banks and property. When you're the CEO's of huge Americanbusinesses. The business’s that drive America’seconomy. When you're the presidents, vice presidents, CFO and COO's of these same companies. The rules are a littledifferent when you own natural resources. When you ownthe means of transportations. I told this to a whiteman, who is no friend to me, and he replied; "Americans deserve the "fruits of their labors" because we built this country from scratch." I thoughtof two counter points. First counter point that came to mind is simple. Our struggling ass economy. That shit ain’t gotnothing to do with black people. As African American’s we spend so much money. To our peril. Fubu, chicken,malt liquor, S-curls.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Sorry. If we can’t laugh at ourselves, though. Ok, seriously. We spend money on cars, electronics, entertainment, houses. If it wasn’tfor our spending power, America would’ve hit another“Great Depression” when Bush knocked down the towers, Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwhich is another story. So we’re doing our part.Asian’s have always took care of their own, so there’s no factor there. Latino’s, legal and illegal, spend ashit load of money in and out of their communities. Illegals buyAmerican trucks, to start their businesses. So that leaves good ol’ Mistuh White Collar. Who ain’t spent shit. Not really putting his money in money market accounts. Just holding own to it. Buying something every here and now, but mostly just hoarding. So if under our capitalist society you have to spend some to make some, then why is it thatMr. White Collar and white face is still…well…ballin’? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWith my second point, I felt that by Americans he meant white folks. Paul Mooney comes to mind.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket “Youaunt built shit, you had slaves you were in bed by 6.”Then he says; "Here comes the slavery angle. Why do you always have to bring up slavery in an argument?"Then I get upset. How can an American, deny slavery? Let it be known that there was slavery. It upsets me to no end when white people down play it and act as if it never existed. Never talk about it. Deny it."....well it wasn't me that oppressed you." You're right it wasn't you. It was your cracka ass fat rapist racist bigot ass great great, great granddaddy. Theone whose name is on your company. Whose face and picture is on our money. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThe ones who started, the money that you, my fellow white pal, spend today. The Rico act basically states that it’s illegal tostart a business with illegal monies. Ill gotten dough. Just ask Murder Inc's CEO Irv Gotti. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHowever Wachovia and Bank of America were funded by slave money. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWhite man inserts "Slavery wasn't illegal then." I retort, neither was taking steroids in baseball but when Barry Bonds,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket another nigga, was in reach of breaking the homerun recordwhat happened then? was illegal. In the early to mid 1800’s, the transport of slaves from Africa was illegal. However there where still slave ships coming in to American ports continuously. Side note: Have youever seen or read about slave ships? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket( Out of a "cargo" of 600 women and men and children, 500 would die. Die from disease, extreme heat, bleeding to death, etc...leaving 100 slaves. This was considered an excellent ratio to slave traders, but that’sanother story. If a slave trader was frightened tha this "cargo" of women and men and children, would be confiscated, to where as he would have to pay a fine,he’d burn the ship with the people in it. One such slave survived this atrocious act. His name was Khujo. Look him up. Had it not been for him, we never wouldhave known how they would burn people alive on ships. How they would rape women on the ship. Our women. How they would stop to islands like Jamaica and Cuba and Trinidad and instill fear in Africans. They would do things like take a pregnant mother, (side note what use would a pregnant woman have as a slave), hang her by her feet, slit her stomach open and stomp the unborn baby to death. In front of everyone. To instill fear. These pilgrims. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThese revolutionaries. These English refugees. Then there’s the question, “Well even if that istrue, which I doubt, how come it’s taking so long foryou to get back on your feet? Slavery was over a hundred years ago!” That is true. Slavery was over a hundred years ago. So say we we’re free in 1863, according to the Emancipation Proclamation.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Well that gives white folks, let see… 1521 minus 1863, carry the one add the two…a three hundred and forty two year head start to get their shit together. Oh wait…we didn’t have slaves…so that is a setback…oh wait westill were being lynched and killed, hungon treeslike strange fruit, (word, to Billie Holliday),Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket until like the 50’s, so that’s a setback. Oh wait…we didn’t have rights, we couldn’t vote…damn. That’s a setback. Oh wait…we didn’t voluntarily come here…So let’s see…Well maybe because of social adversities. Maybe that’s the reason we’re still trying to get to the mountaintop. Although it has to be said since 1863 we’ve done more in America, with less than any other people. We didn’t get reparations. We didn’t get a check, like the Jewish Americans and Asian Americans, (whoshould’ve got checks). In fact when an African American by the name of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, Malcolm XPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket for nigga’s who don’t read, wanted to bring the United States up on charges for breach of contract to the once African natives, in front of the United Nations, he was killed. So maybe that’s why it’s taking us so long. Everytime we build something up ya’ll tear it down. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDamn! Then I ask thequestion, why do you hate us so much? Why do they hate us so much? Is it because we got away? Is it because we’ve excelled in arenas that they’re just mediocre at? Is it resentment? Is it jealousy? The police hate us. They beat our women in front of us and kill or severely beat us if we do the natural thing and revolt, (i.e. the Watts Riots). The court systems use harsher laws and convict us with harsher sentences. It is never accounted that we livein a different environment, unless “your honor” islooking at neighborhoods to buy a house and doesn’twant to live around “the element”. White people don’tlive around black people. If too many nigga’s move inthey move out. They take their money out too. Out of the banks in the area. Out of the stores. Out of the local government. Asian’s move in. We get exploited,which is our fault. We buy from people who don’t likeus, (i.e. LaTasha Harlins and Soon Da Ju), and don’tdemand anything from them in return. Unless you lived in L.A. during April 29th, 1992 like myself. Man we burnt that muthafucka upPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket…I digress. Wal-Mart’s and other stores, not black owned come in. Drain the economy with inferior products, which we buy because they’re inexpensive. Then these stores leave, living big ass empty shells of buildings. Streets are neglected. Schools suffer because their bloodline of money comes from property taxes. Land becomes cheap.White folks come back, kick us out and start all over again. That‘s fucked up.
I tell this to Mr. White collar and he say’s,“There’s no evidence of this. Where are you getting your facts? You can’t believe everything you read. People have hidden agenda’s.” So this brings me to my epilogue. I am writing this blog from jail, for obvious reasons. However I have to think isn’t this what they wanted? Damn they always win, it’s gotta be a set up.


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Good luck.

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